About us

Standardisation and Certification Centre of NASK-PIB which operates within the NASK-PIB structure, acts as an accredited Certification Body. The Center certifies products, processes and services in the field of IT security (cybersecurity), as well as caries out the assessment and certification of competences.

The management system in the product certification process complies with the requirements of the standard for product certification bodies, i.e. PN-EN ISO/IEC 17065, the certification of IT products itself is carried out for compliamnce with PN-EN ISO/IEC 15408(1-3), i.e. Common Criteria 3.1 rev. 5 basing on the IT Security Evaluation and Certification Scheme (PC1). Certification may cover IT products, IT systems, including cryptographic modules, or the so-called Protection Profiles, i.e. security specifications for a specific type of product.

Manufacturers interested in having their products certified, within the scope of the Common Criteria standard, are asked to contact us. 

Common Criteria Certification
Common Criteria (CC) is an international standard (available as PN-EN ISO/IEC 15408) for assessing the security properties of IT products and systems. The standard specifies security requirements as well as methodology for documenting security implementation. The CC standard is used by governments and private organizations around the world to assess the security of information technology product – compliance with the standard demonstrated by a Common Criteria certificate is often required as a prerequisite for cooperation.
Fudamentals for Business Cybersecurity
Development of digital competences among Polish entrepreneurs, increasing the level of cybersecuirty in the SME sector and stability of economic turnover, as well as the dissemination and implementation of a new cybersecurity standard among SME companies – these are just some of the benefits of the Fundamentals for Business Cybersecurity programme. Pilot certifications are underway. Please let us know if you want to participate in the program and we will notify you when the pilot is over!
Institutional cyber resilience for management 
Certification training for management staff. During the training you will learn:
  • how to prepare your organization for new challenges related to European Union cybersecurity regulations;
  • about best practices in the assessment of cyber risk in the  entities of the National Cybersecurity System?
  • when the pilot is over, we will notify you about the start of the recruitment process!
  • how to effectively manage information security and business continuity in the organization, as well as how to effectively manage a cyber crisis. The project is currently in the pilot phase. Please let u s know you are interested in participating in the training and certification
The project is currently in the pilot phase. Please let u s know you are interested in participating in the training and certification – when the pilot is over, we will notify you about the start of the recruitment process!
Our R&D projects

We conduct scientific projects and development initiatives.

We are implementing a lightweight Cybersecurity Assessment and Certification System, which consists of lightweight Assessment Schemes for IoT, Data Processing Centers and Cloud Computing. We are expanding our activities in the area of ​​conformity assessment to include the production of reference materials and the organization of proficiency tests. We run an Expert Cooperation Network that brings together experts from the IT industry.

Inne programy

Our services