Research and Development

Project “Cybersecurity assessment and certification system – light certification programs” financed by the National Center for Research and Development as part of the CyberSecIdent – “Cybersecurity and eIdentity” program. The project is implemented in a consortium consisting of NASK-PIB and the Institute of Innovative Technologies EMAG.
Fundamentals of Business Cybersecurity
Development of digital competences among Polish entrepreneurs, increasing the level of protection in the SME sector and stability of economic turnover in the country, as well as the dissemination and implementation of a new cybersecurity standard in companies – these are just some of the benefits of the Digitally Secure Company program. Its pilot has just been launched.
Experimental Validation Platform
Experimental platform for automatic verification and validation of cryptographic algorithms and protocols (EPW).
The experimental EPW Platform is intended to allow for the assessment of compliance with the requirements of the EN-ISO/IEC 19790:2018 Security requirements for cryptographic modules standard, with an extension to the tests adopted in the SOG-IS Crypto Evaluation Scheme Agreed Cryptographic Mechanisms document, for cryptographic modules implemented in the form of software or hardware-program components.
Project is implemented as part of the National Center for Research and Development Program “Cybersecurity and eIdentity”.

Optical technologies of quantum cryptology for data protection in ICT networks (OptoKrypt).

The aim of the project is to develop modern optical quantum cryptology technologies to protect data exchange in ICT networks serving the country’s security and defense. The architecture of the proposed solutions includes the development of the Quantum Random Number Generator (KGLL), the national Quantum Key Distribution System (SDKK) and the Phase Optical Coding System (SOKF). The project is co-financed by the National Center for Research and Development as part of the State Defense and Security Program entitled “Development of modern, breakthrough technologies for state security and defense” under a codename “SAPPHIRE”.


KSO3C (Completed)
A national scheme for assessing and certifying the security and privacy of IT products and systems in accordance with Common Criteria

Project started in March 2018 with an end date of 3 years. The consortium implementing the project includes three scientific units: NASK, the Institute of Communications and the Institute of Innovative Technologies EMAG. The project will create an effective system for assessing and certifying the security and privacy of ICT products and services, including: in response to the above-mentioned initiative of the European Commission. The project was completed in June 2022.